Linares, July 31, 2020. – Alberto Gragera, coordinator of VOX Linares, has expressed the support of the entire team of the municipality to the parliamentarians of the formation in the Junta de Andalucía. A support that has come after VOX parliamentarians have denounced the insults and disqualifications they have received from Adelante Andalucía and have demanded the Speaker of Parliament, Marta Bosquet, to “prevent this type of actions that put them in real danger the coexistence of the Andalusians in particular and that of the Spanish in general ”.

Alberto Gragera has pointed out that it is difficult to trust a political formation that allows itself to be carried away by its "most basic impulses" in conflict resolution, until it comes to verbally assaulting the political adversary. "They use the word" –he has qualified- “as a hand-to-hand fight, instead of using it as a logical argument of the discourse”. In the opinion of the local coordinator, this type of action is devoid of useful content for a parliamentary debate and highlights the lack of arguments and convincing explanations for a problem to be solved.

Gragera has expressed her concern about the permanent personal verbal attacks (some already physical) received by the members of her training and shares with the Andalusian deputies that “every time the non-existent hate speech of VOX is formulated, the reality is that it is formulated a hate speech against VOX ”.

Lastly, Alberto Gragera has insisted that permanent insults and disqualifications, in addition to creating an atmosphere of harassment and intimidation, are a communication failure for all, who, unfortunately, do not let citizens hear what their political leaders have to express on controversial issues.

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