Dual Vocational Training is very poorly implemented in Aragon. In fact, only 1% of students enrolled in FP studies corresponded to this dual modality in the last academic year with closed data available, 2016-2017, compared to 3% national average. This means that only 222 students attended Dual FP linked to obtaining a degree in the education system, in 42 centers and through agreements with 177 companies.
This percentage of students places Aragon at the tail of Spain in Dual Formation, with 0.9% of the total national students in this modality, only ahead of La Rioja and Cantabria. Against this, the students of the set of degrees of FP in the Autonomous Community represented 2.9% of this student body in the national scope.
The other great modality of the Dual Vocational Training collected by the Spanish regulation, also articulated through the training and learning contract, but administratively linked to the labor authority, gives somewhat better results, but also very small. 0.2% of the total contracts signed in the Autonomous Community in 2018 were training and learning (1,304), rising to 0.24% the percentage in the whole of Spain.
The number of these contracts has been reduced since 2016 and continues below the previous years, due to the regulatory requirements that regulate both its management (terms and procedures) and its conditions (for people aged 16 to 25 years, not being able to be partial or shifts or night, with duration of 1 to 3 years and salary not less than SMI).
Thus and despite having grown together in recent years, the situation of Dual FP in Aragon contrasts with its much greater weight in other autonomous communities with different regulations such as Navarra, Catalonia, Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha or the Basque Country, in those that reach between 3.2% and 6.4% of FP students.
The situation in Aragon differs even more from the great development of Dual FP in some European countries, where it reaches 40% to 60% of Vocational Training students. The latter is, also globally, much more important in Europe than in Spain since FP students account for around 26% of the total average education system, while in our country they only reach 12% .
Part of this lesser development of Dual FP is explained by its notable differences between countries and also between autonomous communities, where, depending on the case, for example, practices are concentrated or alternated with training, its performance in a company or in several and Scholarships or contracts for training and learning are used, all with very different results.
CEOE Aragón considers, therefore, a more homogeneous regulation is necessary in the Spain set that, Starting from the existing models and good practices, clarify and concrete aspects such as the delimitation of Dual Vocational Training, the scope of learning, training and responsibilities of the tutor and the company trainer, the financing of the system and the role of the agents involved in her.
Among other aspects, CEOE Aragón considers that it would be essential:
- Promote a greater participation of companies in the design of training programs, complying with the minimum theoretical contents established to obtain a vocational qualification or professional certificate and providing, in turn, more flexibility to the cycle curricula for permanent updating.
- Facilitate student learning can be distributed among several companies, favoring the access of SMEs to the system, as well as being able to pool services for companies such as tutorials that also They should be able to be carried out by tutors outside the company, accrediting the requirements and training required.
- Allow the participation of the company from the beginning in the selection of apprentices and students who are going to be trained in their facilities, as well as greater involvement
- Advance in the simplification of administrative burdens and legal obligations which in many cases discourage the use of this model by companies.
- Allow the relationship between company and students can be formalized through training scholarships (as it happens in the Autonomous Communities with better implementation and development of the system) or with a contract for the training and learning reformed and adapted to the Dual FP.
- Eliminate limitations with respect to working hours for young adults (shifts, night work, etc.), not imposing more restrictive conditions than those established by the Statute of Workers for that group, which represents a barrier to the implementation of Dual FP in some sectors (commerce, hospitality, industry …).
- Enhance the interaction between Administrations and business organizations to develop and apply promotion, support and support mechanisms to companies, especially SMEs, reducing the burdens to be borne by companies.
- Assign the task of define competencies according to sectoral business needs, as well as the training of company tutors, providing a certificate of suitability.
In sum, the effective advancement of the Dual FP in Aragon requires that companies consider themselves not as mere employers, but as an essential element of the system as a whole, being part of all its phases and adapting to both training needs and the characteristics by sector, size and location of the Aragonese productive fabric. In this link you can access the full report.