The Regional Business Confederation Extremeña, CREEX, considers "very important" the news of the opening of the Monliz firm's facilities in the Southwest Logistics Platform, Y He hopes that it will serve as an incentive for other companies to opt to settle in this place.

This was expressed by Javier Peinado, general secretary of CREEX, who commented: “the Platform project has been fourteen years in offices, drawers and tables, and has gone through many vicissitudes, and now, finally, it seems that it throws walk with a company of the real economy, and we began to see the activity that we were demanding so much ”.

Hairstyle has added that the fact of thatue a multinational company of the caliber of Monliz bet on this location, build the facilities and start them up “although the Platform is not equipped with all the services it should, especially in the area of ​​intermodal transport and logistics, some services that should be because this has been committed ”, can serve as a stimulus or locomotive for other companies to be encouraged to also install, and above all, for the Administrations to comply with their obligation to provide the planned infrastructure, necessary for Business plans have full viability.

In this regard, Peinado explained that the railway terminal "unfortunately, will have to wait yet." As he has indicated, the project has not yet been tendered, a project that would execute ADIF through an agreement in which the Extremadura Board finances the work, “and that agreement is not yet, and we do not know if it can be affected by the fact that the government is on duty. "

Lithium Mine: Respect for the law

So it refers to another topical issue in Extremadura, how is that The Infinity firm has already presented a feasibility plan to exploit the Cáceres lithium mine, Peinado has commented: "we believe that we must take the matter with caution, and not qualify as bad news in the first place."

According to the representative of the representative organization of the Extremaduran business community “it is not bad that a multinational plan a business plan for an important investment in Extremadura”, and added: “From there, we must see legal and environmental requirements, if it’s the right place, if you get authorizations. ”

On the rejection that has been expressed in Cáceres to the project, the secretary general of the CREEX has indicated that the citizen debate “is respectable, and legitimate that a certain rejection is expressed, and there interests must be opposed and weighed, but neither do I believe that Extremadura is To disregard projects. In any case, I insist on the same: analysis and rigor to give an answer, because the numbers presented by the company, so by boat soon and without knowing the entire project, can not be described as bad or much less.

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