Félix Azón: "The Civil Guard continues to update itself in mentality, in heart and in structures to adapt and, as much as possible, anticipate the challenges of this new society"

The 174 students who complete their academic training today are part of the most numerous class in recent years. Of these, 61 are women, which is 35%.

They acceded to the School in 2018 after passing the selective tests that train for the obtaining of the places offered that year for the entrance in the Scale of Capes and Guards of the Civil Guard

The General Director of the Civil Guard, Félix Azón, presided over this morning the act of awarding diplomas to the students of the 165th Promotion of Young Guards, in the "Duque de Ahumada" School in Valdemoro (Madrid).

The Mayor of Valdemoro, Sergio Parra, also attended this ceremony; the Deputy General Director of Personnel, Lieutenant General Francisco Díaz Alcantud; the Head of Teaching, General of Brigade Francisco Espadas; and the Director of the College of Young Guards, Coronel Morales, among other civil and military authorities.
The 174 young guards that make up this promotion are part of the call for proposals offered last year 2018 for access to the Escala de Cabos and Guards of the Civil Guard, the largest in recent years.
The General Director of the Civil Guard has begun his speech congratulating the civil guards of the promotion, for having brilliantly surpassed the academic course taught in the Young Guards College and now face the next period of practice in Units of the Body. It has highlighted that 35% are women, which shows that the Civil Guard is a profession that is increasingly attractive to them, and hopes, works and trusts that in all the academies of the Corps more and more women will be trained so that the current rate of female presence in the Civil Guard increases, until reaching figures as even as possible.
Félix Azón has said that the civil guards trainees will serve citizens, applying the teachings received, imbued with values ​​and principles. "Values ​​such as meritorious character, honor, self-denial and spirit of service, and principles such as military nature and political neutrality, which are part of our identity, and which you have assumed as your own, during the stage you have completed, between the classrooms of this School ".
Also, the Director General has asked them to take into account, when they join their destinations, the undoubted fact that the Civil Guard structures the presence of the State throughout the Spanish territory, and that it assumes a commitment to public safety that It has always arrived from the most unpopulated areas, to urban and peri-urban areas.
In this regard, he stressed that the territorial deployment of the Civil Guard will continue to ensure an effective presence that meets the security needs of citizens, so that it receives a quality public service, without gaps or disadvantages, to contribute so that the so-called "Spain emptied" has a future of prosperity and hope.
Likewise, he has encouraged them to enjoy the experience that is now presented to them, serving in the Civil Guard, a comprehensive and modern police force that is constantly updated in mind, heart and structures to adapt and, if possible , anticipate the challenges of this new society.
An excellent example of this is the historic milestone that means that during the past academic year more than 100 students of the French National Gendarmerie were trained in this College of Young Guards, and that this year was a Company of Civil Guard students. who has received training at the Gendarmerie School of Dijon.
Félix Azón also wanted to mention that this year is very special for the Civil Guard, since it celebrates its 175th Anniversary being the most valued institution by the citizenship, which has to come from pride, but it should also be an incentive to maintain and increase that confidence.
He has finished his speech, the CEO, with a very special memory for the civil guards who gave their lives in the act of service, and whose loss has been the most painful price for this great family, the most recent being the Guardia Civil Fermin Cabeza González, who died tragically in a traffic accident while doing his duty as a public servant, ensuring the safety of all

165th Promotion of Young Guards

The Civil Guards of the 165th Promotion of Young Guards, 113 men and 61 women between the ages of 19 and 24, have entered the Valdemoro College after passing the selective tests that enable them to obtain the places offered in 2018 for the entrance in this Scale of the Civil Guard.
The requirements for this method of entry are identical to the other forms of access to this Scale, to which are added that of being a staff member of Corps and having completed the training course in that Center during the previous year, for which they previously had to overcome the mandatory selective tests that enable it.
35 of the students have a university degree, others are currently studying at this level. Of the rest, most have taken the entrance exam to the University.
According to their place of origin, 30% are from the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, followed by Castilla y León, with 16% and Madrid with 12%.
After completing the first phase of their training, which is taking place in the teaching center, they will complement it with the practical phase that they will carry out from now on in some of the Units that the Civil Guard has deployed throughout the national territory, where they will be destined during a year, after which they will acquire the condition of Civil Guard.


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