Félix Azón: "The Civil Guard is intimately linked to the rural environment, establishing itself as an essential element to ensure the coexistence of what is known as Spain emptied"

Felix Azón has dismissed at the Academy of Baeza (Jaén) the 1,857 student guards and the 200 temporary sergeants who have passed their training period

Part of the promotion of student guards have completed, for the first time, their training in France, the French National Gendarmerie School

15.5% of this promotion of student guards are women, the highest percentage of female access in this Academy

The event was also attended by the Government Delegate in Andalusia, Jesús Lucrecio Fernández; the mayor of Baeza, María Dolores Marín; the mayor of Úbeda, Antonia Olivares; and the Sub-Delegate of the Government in Jaén, Catalina Madueño; the Deputy General Director of Personnel, Lieutenant General Francisco Díaz Alcatud; the Head of the Teaching Headquarters, General of Brigade Francisco Espadas; the Brigade General of the Zone and Andalusia, Manuel Contreras and the Director of the Baeza Academy, Juan Miguel Jiménez, among other civil and military authorities

The General Director of the Civil Guard, Felix Azón, today chaired the ceremony of delivery of the certificates that certify the completion of the training period of the components of the 40th NCO promotion and the 124th promotion of access to the scale of corporals and guards.

The event was also attended by the Government Delegate in Andalusia, Jesús Lucrecio Fernández; the mayor of Baeza, María Dolores Marín; the mayor of Úbeda, Antonia Olivares; and the Sub-Delegate of the Government in Jaén, Catalina Madueño; the Deputy General Director of Personnel, Lieutenant General Francisco Díaz Alcatud; the Head of the Teaching Headquarters, General of Brigade Francisco Espadas; the Brigade General of the Zone and Andalusia, Manuel Contreras and the Director of the Academy of Baeza, Juan Miguel Jiménez, among other civil and military authorities.
Azón has started his words by congratulating the sergeants and civil guards students for having successfully completed their training course; and has highlighted that 15% of these future civil guards are women, the highest figure in the history of this Academy; something that has valued as positive but has said that we must continue working to achieve some necessary and desirable parity figures in all areas of today's society.
The general director has addressed the components of the NCO scale to remind them that access to this scale constitutes a qualitative leap in their professional career and that, being part of the Command Panels, they will be required to irrevocable responsibility. He pointed out that although, in many moments, the task of the Command can become difficult and delicate, he is sure that they will be able to carry it out with the same determination and will that they have shown to be worthy of the three gold gallons with red borders. , that look on their shoulder pads.
He also stressed that all of them accumulate an important professional background that, added to their recent training, effort and dedication, will make them an example and constant encouragement for their subordinates and colleagues.
Felix Azón has also addressed students and civil guards to indicate that today they are incorporated into a comprehensive police force, with legal and formal capacity to carry out a large number of functions and missions, with a vocation for public service, versatile and of military nature, which stands out for its closeness to citizens and its consideration as a vertebrate element of the State.
At the same time he stressed that the Civil Guard is closely linked to rural areas, establishing itself as an essential element to ensure coexistence in what is now beginning to be known as the "Spain emptied". He stressed that a large number of them will go to citizen security units, thus reinforcing the staff positions to ensure an effective presence that meets the needs of citizens, regardless of where you live, because we want To help these more depopulated areas have a future of prosperity and hope.
Therefore, the general director has stressed, you have the obligation to contribute to our citizens feel close to their Civil Guard, ensuring the approach of the General Administration to each and every one of the points of the national territory, even in those more recondite, putting in value both the founding principles and the latest knowledge acquired, demonstrating how tradition and actuality can not only live together, but also combine to provide excellence in the service we provide to our society.
Félix Azón also wanted to mention that this year is very special for the Civil Guard, since it celebrates its 175th Anniversary being the most valued institution by the citizenship, which has to come from pride, but it should also be an incentive to maintain and increase that confidence.
He has finished his speech, the CEO, with a very special memory for the civil guards who gave their lives in the act of service, and whose loss has been the most painful price for this great family, the most recent being the Guardia Civil Fermin Cabeza González, who died tragically in a traffic accident while performing his duty as a public servant, ensuring the safety of everyone.

Characteristics of the promotions

The 40th NCO promotion consists of 200 event sergeants, to which we must add another 202 who have had their training at the Academy of El Escorial (Madrid). 6% of this promotion are women.
As for the promotion of civil guards, there are a total of 1,857 students (1,568 men and 289 women) who have passed the training period at the Academy of Baeza (Jaén) and then join their internship destinations. This promotion has the highest percentage of women – 15.5% who have accessed the Civil Guard in this Academy.
Part of the components of this promotion, have been the first to have completed their training abroad. Specifically, 120 students have studied part of their studies as future civil guards at the School of the French National Gendarmerie of Dijon.
Of the opponents who got one of the places offered for access to the scale of corporals and guards of the Civil Guard, 1,483 have entered directly by the modality of free access, 374 they did it through the places reserved for military professional troop and crew that will have a minimum of five years of service and three come from the "Duque de Ahumada" Young Guard School in Valdemoro (Madrid).
The average age of these student guards is 28 years. 33% of them are Andalusians, followed by the people of Madrid – 12% -. 41 student guards of this promotion were born abroad, although all have Spanish nationality. As for the level of studies, the new promotion of civil guards has almost 40% of university graduates. Of all the university degrees that they hold, they stand out those of Law, Criminology, and Technical Engineering.


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