The President of the Popular Party of Castilla y León and the Junta, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, said today, in a campaign event in Segovia, that “the economy in Spain is in decline, but things are not done the same everywhere . Castilla y León exceeds one million people employed for the first time in 10 years and unemployment fell twice as much in Spain in the last year. That's how the PP rules and that's how Pablo Casado will do it ”.

The president of the popular has also stated that “on Sunday there are only two options: either Sanchez rules or Casado rules; or lose Spain or win Spain. Castilla y León is a land of honest people and good judgment that will decide the future of Spain. The siren songs can only lead us against the rocks. Let's not cast the vote, let's not put our future at risk. ”

“We must concentrate the vote of the right center around the popular party. Because a dispersion of the vote, only benefits Pedro Sánchez who can take Spain on a trip to nowhere, ”said the popular leader, who also indicated on the debate of the candidates, which took place last night, that“ We had the evidence that Pedro Sánchez has a dependency on the independentista votes, which prevents him from defining what Spain is, because he knows he needs his votes in the case of winning the elections. ”

Fernández Mañueco also said that “the PSOE is willing to agree with the independentists and we are very clear that Spain is not negotiated. To govern Spain you have to believe in Spain and Pedro Sánchez does not believe in our country, ”and added that“ the PSOE wants a plurinational Spain. And we want the Spain of the autonomies that are those that have brought development and progress to our land and guarantees the unity of Spain ”.

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