The national deputy of VOX for Huelva, Tomás Fernández Ríos, has registered a battery of questions in the Congress of Deputies in order for the Government to explain whether it is authorizing the transfers of migrants from the Canary Islands landing on the Huelva coast that are coming Producing since November 17, a question that the Executive previously denied.
In this sense, the deputy recalls that if immigrants who are moving to Huelva lack a passport, the only way for a non-EU citizen to travel to the Peninsula is for the central government to issue a special authorization for the transfer of a group of immigrants in an organized way.
In the brief presented in Congress, Fernández Ríos explains that, according to different media, due to the migratory crisis in the Canary Islands, a regular ferry from the Balearia-Fred shipping company was already docking on the Huelva coast on 17 November. Olsen with 95 migrants from the Canary archipelago.
“The media prove it through official internal documents, which state that, every four days from that date, a ship with migrants from the Canary Islands arrives in Huelva in November. This would show that, although the Government claimed that there were no transfers of migrants to the Peninsula, for a month and a half the disembarkation of migrants has been carried out on the coast of Huelva ”, something that Fernández Ríos asked at the time.
Thus, according to the reports accredited by the press, between November 17 and December 4, 259 people disembarked in Huelva “in an alleged irregular situation”, without in many cases there being a humanitarian body responsible for their protection or relocation to Spanish territory. known. The information reflected in the press covers about 17 days, during which eight different groups of migrants from the Canary Islands arrived in Huelva -the seaway-, with different nationalities from Nigeria to countries such as Guinea Bisau or Zambia, but the largest group ( 120 out of 259) from Morocco.
In the opinion of Fernández Ríos, these data confirm the trend that the State Security Forces are observing on the ground in the Canary Islands regarding nationality and circumstances in which this migratory wave is taking place in the archipelago and that contradicts the version of the Government of "violation or susceptible to receive international protection", since they are young people who come "perfectly organized with money and contacts."
In this way, as reflected in the documentation provided to which the press alludes, migrants who arrived on the Huelva coast by ferry, when asked about their destination when they arrived in Huelva, claimed to have relatives in the province. This would place Huelva, as VOX exposes, in a crisis scenario annexed to the crisis of the Canaries boats, since it would aggravate the chaotic presence of hundreds of migrants who live in the slums of Lepe, Lucena or Palos de border.
Other migrants claimed that they were going to other parts of the Spanish geography, a situation that is worrying, since we find ourselves with perimeter restrictions both in the autonomous community itself, as well as by provinces and municipalities within Andalusia due to the Covid-19 pandemic .
Given these facts, the deputy of the VOX Parliamentary Group wants to know "what are the reasons that the central government alleges for making these transfers to the Peninsula through the landing in Huelva by sea" and "if the Minister of the Interior considers that the arrival to the Huelva coast of a ferry with migrants from the Canary Islands every four days are sporadic transfers or rather a relocation organized and silenced by the central government ”. In this sense, Grande-Marlaska has stated that from his department only very sporadic transfers are made of those immigrants in a vulnerable situation and likely to receive international protection.
On the other hand, Fernández Ríos also asks “if the Government has established exceptional social and health measures in Huelva, due to restrictive measures regarding travel between municipalities, PCRs or even overnight stays due to the curfew”, while asking “if has communicated the arrival of these migrants for monitoring and control both to the Autonomous Community and to the town halls of the municipalities that could be affected ”.
The cost of the tickets for the transfer from the Canary Islands to Huelva, as well as the subsequent trips within the Peninsula, focuses another question, since the deputy asks about "how much would be the amount" disbursed in the event that the Government has taken over these bills.