The Commission of Social Dialogue and Employment of the CEOE has organized a new working session on the time register, with the objective of advancing the implementation of the new regulations once known today the technical criteria approved by the Labor Inspectorate in this regard.

To the work session, one more of the many promoted by CEOE since the publication of the Decree Law on March 12, attended by more than 350 businessmen, and had the intervention of Yolanda Valdeolivas, Secretary of State for Employment; Ángel Allué, general director of Work; Agustín González Hermosilla, president of the Commission of Social Dialogue and Employment of CEOE, and Rosa Santos, director of the Labor Relations Department of CEOE.

Yolanda Valdeolivas highlighted in his speech the importance of negotiation in the implementation of the norm and the collaborating function of the Inspection in these processes, offering its closer, sincere and loyal cooperation.

The interest of the Secretary of State is to have greater control of the day without reducing or curtailing the formulas of flexibility, irregular distribution of the working day and conciliation that companies and workers have been implementing in recent years.

In this sense, Yolanda Valdeolivas recalled the advisory and collaborative work of the Labor Inspectorate, denying the alleged tax collection or sanctioning of the measure. Likewise, it has appealed to the self-regulation capacity of companies through negotiation processes with their workers.

The most problematic issues detected by entrepreneurs can be grouped into four main blocks:

1. Compatibility of time recording systems with flexibility and conciliation formulas.

2. Scope of the obligation of hourly registration in persons with greater availability as a result of their contractual responsibilities: middle managers, trusted personnel, etc.

3. Calculation of effective work time: non-obligatory breaks, trips, work on mission, teleworking, etc.

4. Compliance with data protection regulations.

As in previous sessions, the one of today has aroused great interest in line with the concern of the companies to comply with the norm, in force since May 12, and to reduce as much as possible the uncertainty generated.

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