The Ministry of Public Works, through the State Company of Land Transport Infrastructures, SEITTSA, in charge of the management of contested toll roads, will begin to apply the new rates on the AP-41 highway (Madrid-Toledo) starting from June 1, at 6:00.
For light vehicles the complete route (Toledo – M50) will cost 4.70 € for the users of Telepeaje and 5.70 € for the others. Currently the toll is € 7.75.
For light vehicles, the Illescas – M50 route will cost € 2.30 to the users of the Telepeaje and € 2.80 to the others (light vehicles). Currently the toll is € 3.35.
The three categories of existing vehicles (light, heavy 1 and heavy 2 vehicles) are maintained and users who pay by Telepaje or TAG are rewarded, as their rates are 18% lower for light vehicles and 10% for light vehicles. Heavy vehicles. The use of the Telepeaje contributes to improve the levels of service on the motorways and favors the convenience and speed of the users.
The fare for light vehicles is 9 cents per kilometer (VAT included) for the users of Telepeaje and 11 cents per kilometer (VAT included) for the rest.
All highways are free between the hours of 0:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m., every day of the year.
The tariffs are homogeneous in all the highways that SEITTSA manages, in such a way that all the users pay the same fare per kilometer traveled independently of the motorway through which they circulate.
The average reduction of the tariffs has been of 30%, with respect to those that were previously applied and that came from the concession contracts that have been resolved by the entry into liquidation of the Concessionary Companies holding the contracts.
The tolls for the different tours are available on the SEITTSA website.
SEITTSA currently manages 9 toll roads with 484 kilometers and another 200 kilometers of free toll roads, including the M-50, the Cartagena ring road and the A-7 between Elche and Crevillente.