Four bank robbers who had robbed more than 200,000 euros were arrested in Almería

They did it without the use of weapons or violence, distracting the attention of customers and employees of bank branches

The robbers moved throughout the country with false identities, disguised with wigs, caps and glasses

The Civil Guard in collaboration with the Local Police of Huércal-Overa, has arrested four robbers who had stolen more than 200,000 euros from banks throughout the national territory. Specifically, they are charged with the responsibility of several robberies perpetrated since July last year in banks in Murcia, Granada, Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia, Burgos, Pamplona, ​​Alicante, Valencia, La Rioja, Zaragoza, Pontevedra and A Coruña. Finally, they have been arrested in the town of Huércal Overa (Almería) thanks to the collaboration of the Local Police of this town.

The four detainees – three men and one woman – used false identities disguising themselves with wigs, caps and glasses. They carried out the thefts without violence or use of weapons, while distracting employees and clients of the banks.

Modus operandi

The four detainees previously observed the way of working of all the personnel of the banking entity, distributing the tasks of surveillance and in hours of maximum influx of public. Once they studied the scenario, they distracted the staff posing as clients. Meanwhile, another member of the group stole the money with extreme agility and speed.
At the end of August, the Local Police of Huércal-Overa (Almería) informed the Civil Guard about the presence of the band around a bank, without carrying out any commercial operation inside it.
Agents of the Civil Guard and Local Police intercepted these people when they were already in full vigilance in the surroundings of another banking entity of the same locality. At the time of the arrest they wore wigs, caps, glasses, frequency inhibitors and other effects they used in robberies so as not to be identified. It was then that the agents were able to verify that those involved in the events had several identities, all of them fictitious but associated with other similar criminal acts.
The researchers found out the geographical route made by the members of this band since mid-2018, and those that were detected in branches throughout the country. The investigation remains open and the Civil Guard does not rule out that they would have participated in more robberies.
The detainees have been placed at the disposition of the court in duty of Huércal-Overa (Almería), they are investigated for the crime of criminal organization, 20 crimes of theft and identity theft.


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