Stresses that the position of the PP on the formation of government is the one that Pablo Casado transferred yesterday to the King and then to the Spanish as a whole, leaving the press to ask all the questions that he considered appropriate.
- Expresses its concern about Sánchez's "information blackout" on the negotiations
- He wonders “what does it mean to talk about instruments to channel a political conflict,” as is proposed at the negotiating table. “We demand explanations about what is being negotiated and what is being put on the table”
- Urges the socialist barons to say "what do you think of those joint communiqués that the PSOE and ERC are issuing"
- Remember that Citizens have previously raised their position of supporting a Sánchez government and can give the numbers for it
- He says that with statements such as those of Iceta ensuring that in Spain there are 8 or 9 nations, "the PSOE and Sanchez are outside the Constitution"
- He warns that after the nation comes the State and remembers that the positioning of the independentists is not that of the territorial model of an autonomous state
- Stresses that ERC is an independence party whose leaders have been convicted and are in jail for taking the path of independence to its final extremes
- "Spain has only one nation and is made up of 47 million citizens who are equal and decide the future among all," he emphasizes