• The freedom of choice of center and professional and the equality of Spaniards in the access to benefits through the Single Health Card will be promoted

The Deputy Secretary of Social Policies of the Popular Party and Candidate for the Congress of Deputies, Cuca Gamarra, has expressed the PP's commitment to “guarantee access to diagnostic and intervention tests within 30 days, something for which a good one is necessary management and that is what the Popular Party teams are experts and have a trajectory that supports us. ”

Gamarra has made these statements today, day 7, during a press conference in which he has announced the proposals of the Popular Party regarding Health and Social Services for the General Elections. In this appearance, she has been accompanied by the Candidate for the PP of La Rioja to the lower house, Javier Merino.

In his speech, he related the ten main measures of the electoral program of the Popular Party "to guarantee the Welfare State that we have as a society and that we have given and built among all".

In this sense, he has indicated that the electoral commitments of the Popular Party “involve facing the problems that Spaniards have on a day-to-day basis from a social and welfare state point of view, which means guaranteeing access for all Spaniards to a health in freedom and of quality, that does not matter in which autonomous community, city or small municipality you live ”.

Gamarra has highlighted the commitment of the PP to "promote the freedom of choice of professional and health center in the national Health framework through the Individual Health Card, which accredits the right of Spaniards to identical benefits regardless of where they live."

Other proposals highlighted by the Deputy Secretary of the PP is "to promote the single vaccination schedule throughout Spain and ensure the multiannual supply of vaccines with the industry." In this regard, he pointed out that "childhood vaccination is a right of all children that will be required to access the education system."

Among the proposals of the Popular Party also appears that Castilian is the only indispensable language for accessing public employment as a health worker. “It is an issue that also affects us in Rioja, because many Riojan professionals are limited in their ability to work in other autonomous communities, from their freedom, because they do not know a co-official language of another Autonomous Community,” added Cuca Gamarra.

The Candidate for the House of Representatives has considered “fundamental to promote the quality of palliative care”, hence the PP proposes the extension of such care, “guaranteeing equity in access, home care and pediatric care, as demanded by professionals".

Gamarra has defended the current community pharmacy model that Spain has, without which it considers that “the national health system cannot be understood. "Our pharmacy model is an example at national and international level and the Popular Party understands that the current model must remain the model that has the national health system," he said.

In his opinion, it is a model that "has to be integrated, especially when we want to address chronicity or aging by public authorities," Gamarra said.

The electoral program of the PP includes the proposal to promote, together with the autonomous communities, the reduction of deadlines and waiting lists to recognize the Unit to a maximum of 30 days. Similarly, with the PP, the Ministry will provide adequate financing so that the autonomous communities can meet the expense of the Unit, “a financing that has been paralyzed since Sanchez arrived at the Government through a motion of censure”, has asserted the Candidate.

The PP also undertakes to promote from the social services the Universal Social Card that will include all the economic benefits managed by the State, the Autonomous Communities and the Town Halls. "That card guarantees the control of public aid so that they do not duplicate and, above all, so that all Spaniards have equal access to control abuse over them," he said.

Another of the Popular Party's commitments is to approve the Basic Law of Social Services that “guarantees common benefits for all Autonomous Communities and for all Rioja residents, whether they live in the city or in small municipalities,” said Cuca Gamarra.

In addition, the PP proposes to promote a National Strategy against loneliness as one of the fundamental pillars in the next decade to advance in the Welfare State in Spain.


Gamarra stressed that "Brussels has given a new blow to the economic route proposed by Pedro Sánchez" after learning that the European Union has corrected the growth forecasts for our country advanced by the Government of Spain by four tenths. The Candidate for Congress has criticized Sánchez's attitude "for denying the evidence that we are facing a recession and an economic slowdown, thus lying to the Riojans and the Spaniards, and for not wanting to take action."

Gamarra has stressed that "we are facing a new fact that brings us the need to face the economic slowdown we have on the table as soon as possible." “Ten years ago, with Zapatero, they lied to us and told us that nothing was happening. And yet, we pay a heavy price with unemployment in many Riojan families, ”he recalled.

“Given this blow to Sánchez, we need economic measures to take another direction, to unlock the government situation that Sánchez has created. And for that there is only one alternative, which is to vote for Pablo Casado and the Popular Party on November 10, ”said the Deputy Secretary of the PP.

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