He criticizes that Sanchez did not pick up the phone on Sunday night to Casado and evidences that "the plan to reissue the Frankenstein Government was drawn up, that so much damage has been done to the economy since it was known"
"Sanchez said he would not sleep peacefully" with members of Podemos sitting on the Council of Ministers, and now it will be "Spain who does not sleep."
While Sanchez signed an agreement to form a government with Podemos, Podemos abstained in Catalonia to move forward with a motion on self-determination.
He affirms that the Popular Party will exercise a "firm and constructive" opposition in Congress and also from City Halls and Autonomous Communities, "to avoid possible damage to the economy" and correct the errors of Sánchez and Iglesias, which are already alarming many investors.
"We are going to defend the interests of the whole of Spain with firmness and determination, even of those citizens who have not voted for us, putting equality, the guarantee of the constitutional order and the interests of the Spaniards ahead."
He points out that the center-right has obtained in these elections more votes than the left and that Spain Suma would have won, but the fragmentation of the vote "has allowed this arithmetic."
He points out that Sanchez's "natural state" is to agree with Podemos, although months ago he denied the vice presidency or entry into the Government.
He emphasizes that these elections have led the Spaniards to around 200 million euros, an "incalculable cost to the country for the months of paralysis" and requires Sánchez to assume some responsibility, "even if he apologizes."
"Now it is time to face this Government and look to the future, because Sanchez's greatest ally is to fragment the center-right and as long as this continues he will have the possibility of making Iglesias vice president and Errejón Minister of Interior."