It describes as "embarrassing shows" what happened in the Congress with the oaths of some deputies and the dialogue of Sánchez and Junqueras

The Secretary General of the Popular Party, Teodoro García Egea, has stated that "on May 26, each vote to the PSOE is a vote so that ERC does not worry".

In this regard, he pointed out that "everything indicates that Sánchez has tied a government in coalition with Podemos in which ERC is called to be an important partner."

During his appearance to report on the Bill proposed today by the GPP in Congress to prohibit pardons to those convicted of rebellion and sedition, Garcia Egea explained that this initiative responds to the "deep concern" of Spanish society after happened at the Congress last Tuesday, when there were two "embarrassing shows".

The popular leader has referred to the people who are in provisional prison and when swearing their position in the session of the constitution of the Cortes, they did it with formulas that were not clear regarding their commitment to comply with the Magna Carta.

Also, in the second place, it has been expressed about the words "do not worry" that the President of the Government moved to Oriol Junqueras and has assured that "the PP prefers that the Spaniards are calm and Junqueras worried".

Garcia Egea has attributed "the show" that was seen in the upper house to the division of the vote that took place on April 28 and has advocated that on May 26 be voted against what happened in the Congress and "in favor of institutions recovering their dignity. "

Similarly, he said that "someone who has an allergy to the Constitution, should not sit on a seat in Congress." Therefore, the PP has registered an initiative so that the formulas of oath are only valid if elected deputies deliberately abide by the Constitution to swear their office.

On the proposal presented by the GPP, Garcia Egea has said he expects both the PSOE and the other parties to support it and not happen as in the last legislature, when they tried to stop its processing and debate.


During his appearance, the secretary general of the PP has stressed that "the law must be complied with and does not admit blackmail, connivance or exchanges".

That is why he has urged Meritxell Batet to today "suspend immediately" and "without further delay or excuses" the deputies in preventive prison for giving a blow to the State. Otherwise, he added, the PP will ask for its disapproval and will consider going to court for Justice to act.

In this regard, he recalled that Batet has received precise instructions from the Supreme Court of what he has to do regarding imprisoned politicians, so he has to execute and comply with the law. "Like Sanchez you should comply with the law and not get carried away by their desire to repeat as president," he said.


The proposed law presented today by the GPP explains that "the current law includes, in its article 2, a catalog of procedural situations excluded from the application of the pardon, however it does not include a catalog of crimes to which the grace is not applicable. of the pardon, independently of the procedural situation of the defendant; However, given the seriousness of certain types of crimes and the taxpayer thereof, it would be necessary to exclude them from the grace of pardon ".

Therefore, "without prejudice to the fact that the Popular Parliamentary Group will soon present a broader reform of this law," it is "essential to respond quickly to the majority demand of Spaniards, since, in the last few days, we have lived a unusual situation for the majority of the citizens that has generated an enormous social alarm ", increased before the possibility that the Government had the intention to pardon to those who could be condemned by the crimes of rebellion and sedition, very serious crimes against the unit of Spain .

In its letter the GPP recalls that "the figure of the pardon, the" grace of the pardon "is and must be an" exceptional remedy to comply fully or partially with the criminal responsibility imposed according to the law by the courts and tribunals, and that is only democratically 'assumable when in its concession concur the reasons of justice, equity or utility, something that is not given in this case at all ".

Therefore, the text emphasizes that "use this legal figure as a currency for political party purposes subvert the very nature of the grace of pardon, would imply an attack on the basic pillars of democracy such as the separation of powers and equality before the law and break the rules of coexistence of Spanish society.

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