Stresses that the "opponent of the PSOE has been, is and will be the PP"

The Secretary General of the Popular Party, Teodoro García Egea, has affirmed that "the Popular Party not only will not facilitate the investiture of Pedro Sánchez but will make it difficult". In this sense, he recalled that the "opponent of the PSOE has been, is and will be the PP" and, therefore, has closed the door to the possibility that Sánchez is president thanks to the abstention of the Popular Party.

During the press conference after the meeting of the Steering Committee, Garcia Egea stressed that "the PP is not a party hinge or has a vocation to be it is the party that leads the opposition and the alternative to Pedro Sánchez." For this reason, as he has said, the opposition will try to "mitigate to the maximum the headache" that Sanchez assumes with the tax increases and with a road map that does not respond to the issues that concern citizens.

Also, Garcia Egea has stressed that in these times when small parties try to condition the formation of governments, we must remember that "the Popular Party has made the largest transfers in terms of political generosity that are remembered" as support the socialist Patxi Lopez " in exchange for nothing "and" we would do it again ".

Therefore, in his opinion, "the ball is not on the roof of the PP but Sanchez" since "the PP has already demonstrated its sense of state." Now – he has continued – Pedro Sánchez should remember his No means no to the possibility that the PSOE abstained so that Mariano Rajoy governed before the threat of a third repetition of the general elections.


Regarding the formation of local and regional governments, the secretary general has criticized the "outlet of pacts "in which the PSOE has entered after having offered the Mayor of Murcia to Citizens in exchange for obtaining the support of this party to govern the Region of Murcia.

In his opinion, this "Persian market" that the Socialists have set in motion and their "desperate attempt" to offer Ciudadanos "what they do not have" exemplifies how the PSOE respects the will of the Spaniards expressed in the ballot box.

Against this, Garcia Egea has claimed the "coherence" that marks the performance of the PP in the negotiations to form local and regional governments. In this sense, the popular leader believes that when negotiating government agreements the "first" is to talk about programs, then structures and finally people.

Thus, he has been satisfied with the negotiations with Citizens and VOX to get "freedom governments" in autonomies and municipalities and has explained that territorial tables have been set up in all the communities and with advances in programmatic matters.

Deepening in this question, has valued that the negotiations are taking place -on the line of common sense- on objective criteria and has stated that it seems "improbable" that Villacís can be made mayor by the same people who made him an escrache in the Pilgrimage of San Isidro.

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