Ask the PSOE to explain if it is the same party that will deliver Navarra to Bildu or who respected the Constitution and guaranteed the stability of our country

The general secretary of the Popular Party, Teodoro García Egea, recalled today that "Pedro Sánchez is the first president of a government that dares to negotiate with Bildu and the first to be invested thanks to this party." "A year ago nobody would have dared to agree with Bildu, with the heirs of Herri Batasuna and a stage that we all want to leave behind in the Basque Country. A year later, it deepens those relationships, "he says.

Speaking to the media in Alicante, the popular leader added that "the parties that negotiate with the Socialist Party must know that they will sit down at the table with someone who tries to launder Bildu."

In this line, Garcia Egea has asked the PSOE of Pedro Sanchez to explain if it is the same Socialist Party of Navarre that will deliver the Community to Bildu or is that PSOE, "which is increasingly less," which respected the Constitution and guaranteed stability in Spain.

Also, the secretary general of the PP has referred to the ETA minutes that bring to light that Rodríguez Zapatero revealed to the mediator with the terrorist group that France I had planned to give a major blow to the organization. In your opinion the former president of the Government and the Socialist Party should give an explanation to the Spaniards about what these documents reveal.


In another vein, Garcia Egea has opted for the union of all those parties "that share the essentials", lower taxes, educational freedom, guarantee equal opportunities for all Spaniards and the unity of Spain.

For its general secretary, the PP is located in "the center of the board", while it has stressed that the position of the formation presided by Pablo Casado "will always be coherent" and will agree with those with whom he shares "a root and common principles ", that is why, he said," we are talking to Citizens and Vox "in all the territories of Spain.

For Garcia Egea parties are "a means to an end" and negotiations are a means to articulate government programs to improve cities. In his opinion, "it is time to sit down and we are not going to give up in the effort to sit at the same table with parties that have the same principles and values". "I can not give up the illusion that aroused the result of the 26-M in Madrid and throughout Spain," he said.

Thus, has put in value that the "PP project is more alive than ever" and has achieved more than 22 thousand councilors in the last elections. "We have managed to reillusion Spain," he underlined.


The secretary general of the PP, has also said that Podemos has been "the crutch of the Socialist Party" to get some data "unfortunate" and recalled that the so-called "mayors of change" that only wanted to kick the Popular Party, they are the ones who have suffered the most from electoral punishment. "We can say what it is that offers Pedro Sánchez and what is going to be agreed," he said.

Finally, Teodoro García Egea thanked the citizens of the province of Alicante who in the last elections have placed their trust mostly in the Popular Party. The popular leader has bet because all the political parties that believe in educational freedom and in the identity of the Valencian Community within a diverse but united Spain, "we can agree and keep working together".

In this sense, he has asked the political forces that are up to the circumstances and listen to the "clear message" of the Alicante people in the polls that want the PP to govern and continue to hold the reins of Alicante. At this point has criticized that Ximo Puig is trying to use Citizens to get Alicante "back" and stop being a land of prosperity within the Valencian Community. "He wants to put his claws in a province in which, until now, prosperity has gone hand in hand with the PP," he warned.

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