He describes the Christmas message of S.M the King as "historical and essential in this difficult time for our country" and shows that "the Crown is an essential pillar in the stability of our country"
- He agrees with the words of the King when he affirms that "only together will we overcome the difficulties" and regrets that after the call to unity has become "the goal to tear down" for all those who want to break "the unity of Spain as a democratic state of law, as a nation of free and equal ”
- He affirms that, once again defending the Constitution and the unity of Spain, “all Spaniards, without exception, applaud his speech, except Sánchez's partners”
- Share with S.M. the King that "lack of employment and economic difficulties are a priority" and claims that "job creation is the best way for all Spaniards, and for young people in particular, have the freedom to undertake a project of lifetime"
- Stresses that in the PP "we will work for the stability of our country" before a "government that has been in office for longer than working" and that seeks its government allies "among those who openly criticize the institution that represents SM el King"