Interview holders:

  • He assures that the only hope the left has today is called Vox and defends that the left has had worse results than in the general elections, which have turned their backs on thousands of citizens in three weeks.
  • He points out that he is not responsible for the Citizens party and "if they do not want to sit down with Vox, it's not my problem". "I do want to sit with Vox and I am available to anyone who wants to improve my region and my country and I will sit as many times as necessary so that within the values ​​and ideals is good for Spain," he adds.
  • He points out that "it is time to agree on common positions". If Pablo Iglesias added today with Pedro Sánchez the 176 deputies, there would be no debate. Just as if PP, Citizens and Vox added up in the national Parliamentary there would be no doubt, that's why nobody understands what Vox is doing in Murcia and Madrid.
  • Declares that it is not understood that Vox supports the PSOE and Podemos and that it votes to a government that raises taxes. "That's why I'm going to start working today to get a center-right government in Madrid and in Murcia," he says.
  • Regrets that today we do not know the electoral program of Pedro Sanchez, all we know is that he is trying to convince Pablo Iglesias and also that Vox is your best ally in some autonomous communities.
  • We have only to listen to the spokesman of Podemos in the region of Murcia, which has been the least supportive force, only two deputies, and has tempted Vox to abstain in an attempt to reverse the situation.
  • He assures that Pedro Sánchez wants to put pressure on his main partner, the one who made him president once, who is the one who tried to approve measures against economic growth and which is called Podemos. The only purpose that Pedro Sánchez has with the announcement of an electoral advance is to pressure Podemos
  • Remember that these days Pablo Casado celebrates one year as president of the PP and in August it was the first time Casado visited Sánchez in La Moncloa, we proposed a series of State pacts and a reform of the Electoral Law. He has not had an answer yet.
  • Ratifies that if there is anything left of that socialist party that has Spanish in its acronyms, it should let Navarra Suma rule in Navarra. I am not responsible for what the Canary Coalition does. I participate in the question of Navarra Suma but at this moment the decisions must be made based on what is best for Navarra, Murcia, Canary Islands, in short for Spaniards.

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