06-17-2019 | Cs
The MEP ensures that Renew Europe 'has the best team to be the dam against the populists and nationalists'
"The Liberals are already decisive in Europe", assured the Vice President of ALDE, Luis Garicano, who has highlighted, in the act of oath of the Constitution of the elected MEPs, the 108 seats that the political group has obtained, becoming the third force of the European Parliament.
Garicano wanted to emphasize that the alliance of Citizens with the European liberals and Macron's party is stronger than ever in Europe. "To face the challenges facing the European Union and defend our project of union and freedom, ALDE grows and is renamed Renew Europe," he underlined. "We are the most pro-European group and we have a reformist agenda to improve Europe, a project full of strength, strength and with the best possible partners," he added.
According to Garicano, "it is incomprehensible that those who claim to defend the interests of Spain should join the parliamentary group led by the Polish ultranationalists and that also protects Puigdemont and its independence cause", in clear reference to Vox. "The populists and nationalists have as their sole objective to destroy the greatest project of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights that we Europeans have known after two World Wars," the liberal leader affirmed.
"Citizens prevented Puigdemont from collecting the provisional accreditation of the European Parliament," recalled Garicano. "We have the best team to be the dam against the populists and nationalists and we are demonstrating from the first day," he concluded.