06-19-2019 | Cs

The party of Emmanuel Macron and Cs agree that the former Prime Minister of Romania, Dacián Ciolos, presides over the new centrist group in the European Parliament

"We have reached an important agreement to conform the direction of the third group of the Eurocámara", has assured Luis Garicano, after obtaining the economic vice-presidency of the European liberal parliamentary group (Renew Europe).

Garicano wanted to thank the support of all the delegations that make up Renew Europe and especially the Macron party: "It is an honor to have been chosen economic vice president of a group that with 108 MEPs will be decisive." He explained that the liberal group "will work to advance in a greater European integration, especially in the economic and financial fields: own budget for the Eurozone, reform of deposit guarantee, common unemployment insurance".

On the other hand, the Liberal leader has also underlined the election of the former Romanian Prime Minister, Dacian Ciolos, as president of Renew Europe: "Citizens and La République In Marche we have been decisive in shaping the leadership of the group and in the presidency of Ciolos ". "It is another example of the weight that Ciudadanos has in the liberal family and the excellent relations it has with all the delegations," he concluded.

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