07-03-2019 | Cs

The head of delegation of Citizens (Cs) and vice president of the liberal group Renew Europe values ​​the agreement of the EUCO and regrets that 'Sánchez has focused the negotiation on placing a person'

"Sanchez has left behind his European partners," said the head of delegation of Citizens (Cs) and vice president of the liberal group Renew Europe, Luis Garicano. The liberal leader has underlined the division that the agreement has provoked among European socialists: "They have proven how Sánchez has focused the negotiation on placing a person". "The final agreement responds to the hegemony of the Franco-German axis, even though Sánchez has sought the photo with Macron," he added.

The vice-president of Renew Europe has valued very positively the role of the liberals in the negotiation, since "we have obtained the presidency of the European Council and the first vice-president of the Commission". In relation to the candidate for the presidency of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has announced that she will be invited to the group meeting to answer questions about the priorities of her mandate. For the liberal leader, the political program that is being agreed upon by the main parliamentary groups (popular, social democratic, liberal and green) will be decisive. "We will put it on the table and we will demand that the new Commission comply with it," he added, "being good news for the democratic legitimacy of the European Parliament."

Finally, the head of the delegation of Cs, has congratulated Josep Borrell for having achieved the candidacy as High Representative: "Without a doubt, it is good news for the interests of Spain but also for Europe to have a person with his career and ability ", it is finished.

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