«While Spaniards are suffering to maintain their dignity, their freedom, and their identity, in the worst economic moment for free societies in times of peace, the government presents them with General State Budgets that:
-They are based on an unreal and irresponsible economic picture.

-They avoid identifying items of superfluous or expendable spending with which to cushion the impact of the most expansive public accounts in history with a hole of 81,037 million euros.

-After the greater destruction of the productive fabric of Europe, with a drain on unemployment and job destruction, they do not prioritize the return to recovery and job creation.

-They put the recovery at risk with a tax increase at the worst possible moment, contrary to what most of the countries in our environment are doing, which are promoting economic activity with tax cuts.

-They dedicate a large part of public resources to maintaining Pedro Sánchez's governmental alliances and implementing an ideological agenda that is alien to Spain's strategic priorities.

-They are not accompanied by a medium-term fiscal consolidation plan that results in the credibility of our public accounts.

-The ratio of debt to GDP is at levels that place us in a situation of extreme vulnerability.

-They do not address any of the structural reforms that Spain has been waiting for years, which are requested by the European institutions and which ensure growth based on solid foundations.

Full text of the amendment to the entirety

PGE Amendment

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