The GPP calls for Sánchez to appear in Congress to report on the latest European Council and new measures against the Coronavirus
Registered the two requests to appear in the Lower House

"If you do not want to be responsible for the judicial consequences of the alleged cases of corruption of Pablo Iglesias, you have to stop him," says the vice secretary of Territorial of the PP in reference to the president of the Government.

“He rides so much, he rides so much. Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias unite their destinies to the judicial destiny that Podemos has because the one who is silent grants, ”says Terol about the silence maintained by the Prime Minister.

He warns Sánchez that "if he continues to support Iglesias," the PP will also demand explanations from him at the parliamentary headquarters.

He demands that Iglesias keep his word when he said that in politics he does not ask for forgiveness, but rather resigns. "He can not stay another minute in the Government of Spain," he proclaims.

He accuses the Government of approving with "agost and treachery the Royal Decree that seizes, expropriates and steals the savings of the municipalities, which are the public savings of the citizens."

Urges Sánchez to hear "the cry" of all mayors and withdraw "immediately" the Royal Decree "discriminatory and expropriatory" of the savings of the municipalities, which reject up to eight more political groups.

It demands that the President of the Government present a new model of local financing because it is required by local corporations "to face the crisis in which this Government is putting us upside down"

Terol shows that "it is the PSOE that is left alone, the one that teases and the one that approves a Royal Decree Law without speaking to anyone"; and accuses Abel Caballero of "betraying municipalism."

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