Holders of their intervention in a meeting with affiliates and supporters:
- He says that with the "muscle" of 20,336 councilors, 2,851 mayors and the provincial deputies of the PP "we will fight so that in the next elections we will be the most voted party."
- "From November 10, we will build, with Pablo Casado at the head, a Government of consensus and common sense to address the improvements that Spain needs."
- He reiterates that the economic situation of our country requires center, reformist and liberal policies such as tax cuts and the empowerment and growth of the industrial sector.
- He affirms that it is "worrisome" that the Government does not get "down to work" after the EPA data and does not open all the news programs announcing the measures that will be put in place to create employment.
- He regrets the "fiscal hell" that the Castilian-La Mancha have to live against Andalusians, Murcia, Madrid or Castilian-Leon thanks to the PP governments that are lowering taxes.
- It puts in value the great project of unity, consensus and moderation that will represent the ballot headed by Pablo Casado in the next elections.