Remember that VOX has in its electoral program "a real proposal to help families who are having a bad time, for example, budget provision for the creation of a social emergency check"

Seville, February 21, 2020. The deputy spokesman of the VOX Municipal Group in the City Council of Seville, Gonzalo García de Polavieja, he affirmed this Thursday, during the ordinary plenary session of the Sevillian corporation that "The left prefers to put on medals to solve people's real problems."

The VOX councilor has thus referred to a proposal by Adelante Sevilla regarding the minimum insertion income on which he recalled that "all the groups present here have representation in the Andalusian Parliament, so we believe that it is impractical that we dedicate ourselves to urge from here, what they can, and should, do from there."

"Yes it is true that it is not acceptable that the people who most need the support of the Administrations have to suffer the bureaucratic traffic jam for the disorganization of these services ”.

However, the VOX deputy spokesman at the City Council of Seville, put things in place by stating that "the PSOE and Podemos teach their true concerns beyond the banner and the slogan. You do not show concern for the people who suffer, but for the already very classic concern of the left: the placement of friends in beach bars, in continuing to fatten the administration. ”

“We do not enter to assess the percentages of poverty in Andalusia, because we are aware of the difficulty of being rigorous in these calculations. But, in addition, I do not think this is a matter of percentages, but of people. Although there is one person, only one family, there has to be the Administration helping. Not only with minimum incomes, but, above all, seeking an appropriate regulatory framework for job creation, the most effective help that an Administration can provide to those who have less.

Gonzalo García de Polavieja has apostilled that “we would be in favor of a proposal that really intends to help people, such as budgeting for the budget creation of a social emergency check, something that VOX carries in your program and that we will begin to see sooner rather than later. ”

“We would support the proposal if instead of showing their true face, they would show real concern for people who cannot afford the light, for the elderly who live alone, for families with seniors in their care that dependency does not reach them, to families with children who cannot give the minimum to subsist. For those retirees with such minimal pensions because politicians have preferred and prefer autonomy over pensions, ”he said.

“And for all those who pass the years and suffer the terrible consequences of leftist policies that have led to minimal or non-existent contributions. ”

The VOX councilor has concluded by apostilling that "once again, appropriate the flag of the defense of the weak, but know that this flag is not anyone's, it is not patrimony of the left."

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