In 2019, a total of 2,317 million euros will have been distributed, 9% more than last year. In addition, subsidies for the maintenance of jobs for people with severe disabilities in the Special Employment Centers are increased by 5%.

The Secretary of State for Employment, Yolanda Valdeolivas, chaired the LXXV Sectoral Conference on Employment and Labor Issues, which set the criteria that will allow the distribution of an additional 297 million euros to the Autonomous Communities (CCAA) for Active Policies of Employment for 2019.

The 297 million euros come to join the 2,020 million euros already distributed in the previous Sector Conference of February, which is the total amount of 2,317 million euros. In this way, in the month of July, all the funds for the Active Employment Policies of 2019 will have been distributed.

The final amount to be distributed has been 9% higher than the amount distributed in 2018. This is, in percentage terms, almost double the increase that occurred in 2018 compared to the previous year.

Special Employment Centers

During the sector conference has also been reported on a draft order by which is going to increase, on an extraordinary basis, and only for 2019, the percentage of subsidies for the maintenance of jobs for people with disabilities in Special Centers of Employment.

These grants link their amount to the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI) in force at any given time, so these subsidies have been affected by the rise in the minimum interprofessional salary to 900 euros for 2019. In this way, it is intended to increase the percentage of funding from 50% current to 55% of the SMI, but only in those with severe disabilities (which means an increase of 20 million additional). This distribution will be made in the month of October directly to the autonomous communities.

Plan for the Promotion of Agrarian Employment (PROFEA)

In addition, another draft order has been reported in the sector conference to modify the bases for the granting of subsidies by the Public Service of State Employment, in the field of collaboration with local corporations for the hiring of unemployed workers in the execution of works and services of general and social interest.

This is a series of technical changes that have been demanded by local corporations: the first, the payment of the advance of the total grant awarded, once the work and service has started; the second, the maximum period of ordinary execution of the works and services is extended until September 30 of the following year, and may be extended in an extraordinary and justified manner until December 31; and the third is the extension to two months of the justification period for the subsidies granted.


Finally, at the conference, the possibility has been presented to the Autonomous Communities to formalize their adhesion to the management system of the Public State Employment Service during the 2019 and 2020 exercises and the assignment of the use of the application, property of the SEPE, with the objective to promote initiatives of vocational training for employment aimed at responding to the training needs for the acquisition, improvement and permanent updating of the skills and professional qualifications of the active population.

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