Grande-Marlaska has offered to Schinas and Johansson the maximum collaboration of Spain in the works and agreements necessary to reach that common European framework and stressed that the Government has always advocated for a consensual and harmonized migration policy within the European Union ( EU).
The minister has indicated in this regard that, as he defends in all meetings of the Council of Ministers and Home Affairs of the European Union (JHA) One of the priorities of this common European framework must be to strengthen the external dimension of immigration, increasing collaboration with third States. "A true partnership with the countries of origin and transit is necessary," he said at the meeting.
Grande-Marlaska has indicated to the Vice President of the Commission and the Commissioner for Home Affairs that "Spain has shown that prevention-based policy works", underlining the 50 percent reduction in irregular arrivals that took place in 2019 thanks to this cooperation policy, especially with Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and Senegal, in the fight against mafias that traffic with people.
The minister also defended at the meeting that this future European framework must incorporate the need to return to a Schengen Area free of controls.
In terms of irregular arrivals as well as asylum and international protection, Grande-Marlaska has indicated the need to "overcome the principle of responsibility for a country of first entry" and promote the equitable sharing of solidarity between member states, one of the foundational principles of the European Union and which is contained in Article 80 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.
Also present at the meeting were, among others, the Secretary of State for Security, Rafael Pérez, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior, Isabel Goicoechea, and the director of the Representation of the European Commission in Spain, Francisco Fonseca.