"From Spain we follow closely the events that are taking place on the Greco-Turkish border," said the minister in the meeting with his counterparts from other European Union countries, before showing the full willingness of the Government to "find a European response to this challenge ", in line with the joint declaration approved at the meeting. On the part of Spain, the Secretary of State for Migration, Hana Jalloul, also participated in the meeting.
Grande-Marlaska has stressed the need for this response to be harmonized at European level and based, as in any area of immigration, border and asylum policies, on "solidarity and equitable sharing of responsibility". "You cannot demand exclusive responsibility from the Member States with an external border and the case at hand is a good example," he said.
In this context, the minister stressed that "Greece, and also Bulgaria and Cyprus, can count on Spain to jointly address the current situation."
On the operational level, Grande-Marlaska has shown the availability of Spain to expand the Spanish contribution to Frontex operations in the area with more material and personal resources of the National Police and Civil Guard.
The Spanish minister, beyond these measures, has finally stressed that the issue transcends the migration level. "You cannot answer only with geopolitical policy tools a geopolitical question," he said.
Joint declaration
The ministers have approved a joint declaration expressing their solidarity with Greece, Bulgaria and Cyprus and the other states that may be affected.
After mentioning the efforts made by Turkey in welcoming immigrants and refugees, the statement rejects the use of migratory pressure for political purposes and notes that the EU and the member states "will take all necessary measures, in accordance with the EU and international legislation "to maintain effective border control.
The European Commission, EU agencies and all member states "are prepared to strengthen their support to areas under pressure", which includes providing the necessary means through the Frontex agency.
The Council of Ministers and Home Affairs of the European Union will meet again next week, on the 13th, a meeting in which the future strategic lines of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice will be discussed, in which the policy is framed European common migration, borders and asylum.