© Enrique Cidoncha
Gustavo Pernas passes away
Died this October 29, was one of the fundamental referents of Galician theater authorship
The viveirense Gustavo Pernas Cora (1959-2018) died on October 29 at 59 years of age. Considered one of the clearest exponents of the contemporary Galician dramaturgy, he joined the SGAE in 1996 with the number 56,205. He left about 20 works registered with a high level of quality and characterized by a look of his own and a strong social commitment. Founder of the company Áncora Producións with his partner, Ánxela G. Abalo, made his author's job compatible with that of producer, stage director and actor.
The work of Pernas Cora as a playwright has been distinguished over the years with multiple awards and recognitions, among which we should highlight two consecutive Max Awards for Best Theatrical Text in Galician for Zebra Crossing (2006) and Final Film (2007, ex aequo). Other works were awarded at the María Casares Awards, Rafael Dieste Prize, Álvaro Cunqueiro Prize, Roberto Vidal Bolaño Prize or Literary Fervenzas Award, among other contests.
The authors and editors of the SGAE regret the loss of Gustavo Pernas Cora, a theater man, and join the pain of his family and loved ones. On the night of this October 30 (8:30 pm) there will be a farewell ceremony at the Albia funeral home in A Coruña.
(tagsToTranslate) Max Awards