Thus, it establishes that these people will have to stay in their home or accommodation, and they must limit their movements only to acquire food, pharmaceuticals and basic necessities; attend health centers, services and establishments; and for reasons of force majeure or need. These movements will be carried out with a mask.
"It is necessary to limit the risks derived from international trafficking in persons, so that during the de-escalation period, sanitary surveillance and hygienic control measures should be intensified for all international travelers with the aim of avoiding the appearance of imported cases", indicates the BOE.
According to Order SND / 403/2020, of May 11, which will enter into force on May 15 and will apply throughout the extension period of the Alarm State, the health authorities may contact the people in quarantine to monitor them. .
Before the appearance of any suspicious symptom of COVID-19, it will be the quarantined people who must call by phone to the numbers enabled by the autonomous communities, indicating that they are in quarantine for coming from abroad. Likewise, these people will maintain all hygiene and prevention measures, "especially with regard to contact with cohabitants," the order states.
Travel agencies, tour operators and transport companies must inform travelers of these measures at the beginning of the process of selling tickets to Spain. In the case of aircraft, companies will provide a public health form to locate passengers.
These measures will not apply to cross-border workers, carriers and crews, as well as health professionals who are going to carry out their work, provided they have not been in contact with people diagnosed with COVID-19.
This order is in addition to previous measures promoted by the Ministry of Health to limit the risks derived from international trafficking in persons, such as Order INT / 396/2020, of May 8, by which the controls at the internal borders are extended; wave Order INT / 356/2020, of April 20, by which the criteria for the application of a temporary restriction of non-essential travel from third countries to the European Union and Schengen associated countries are extended.