The spokesperson for VOX in the General Meeting of the Principality, Ignacio Blanco, regretted this morning that the left denies the right recognized in article 35 of the Spanish Constitution that says that 'all Spaniards have the duty to work and the right to work , and to sufficient remuneration to meet his needs and those of his family. ' A right to work as part of this ‘Labor Constitution’ appears configured as a “dynamic” right that includes not only its formal recognition, but also and mainly the duty of the public Powers to promote its effective realization. "It does not mean that a job has to be facilitated, but neither does it prohibit it," he says.
“Today we have seen once again that the left leaves aside the workers. How has the Government done, by voting against the VOX Proposition No of Law (PNL), which demands from the regional government the immediate opening of sports centers, hotels and restaurants ”and which also includes the opening of retail stores of which we are happy, for the workers, that the president has listened to VOX, which already demanded it on November 12 and has finally allowed the opening of retail trade, although with restrictions ”.
“In Asturias for weeks, workers have gone out to the streets to protest to be allowed to work, they are not protesting overwork, they are protesting because there is a government that for no reason prevents them from earning a living, prevents them from feeding their children, buy them school supplies…. They are the miracles of a government that throws thousands of Asturians into hardship, rather than rectifying its rules, "emphasizes Blanco, who also points out that" Asturias, with the most restrictive measures in Spain, takes longer to control infections. Over the last few weeks, we have seen how technical decisions and reports and opinions were appealed for the adoption, as we said, of restrictive measures and that are adopted by theoretical scientific committees, some non-existent, as was shamefully verified at the national level. It has not been science that has proposed the closure of these establishments, it has been the arbitrariness of the government. We know and the president, who has exposed it publicly, knows that there are no relevant sources of contagion neither in the hotel industry, nor in commerce, nor in sports centers, but even so he closes them ”.
"If we consider that Asturians are responsible adults, as VOX considers, these activities must be reopened immediately in accordance with the health regulations in force at the end of the non-essential activity."
But in addition, the spokesman points out, the regional government “has approved aid for these businesses that are absolutely insufficient and that arrive very late, because many are not there, they have closed completely ruined. Those Asturians have already been left behind, despite the fact that the Principality assures that it was not going to leave anyone behind, but they do not propose aid for those who have closed definitively ”.
For this reason, from VOX we demand the immediate opening of these sectors as well as that "they help not only those who endure, they help the businesses that the President of the Principality has closed". At VOX, Barbón concludes, "we are not in favor of public intervention in private companies that should solve their own problems, but when these problems are caused by a government that prevents them from working, it must at least compensate for the damage caused."

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