The spokesman and deputy of VOX at the General Meeting of the Principality, Ignacio Blanco, today called on the counselor of the Presidency, during the appearance of the COVID-19 Follow-up Working Group, control measures for compliance with the working day and the work objectives of the public employees of the Asturian administration after the counselor herself recognized that the administration is working on a future plan to correct the lack of control. "From VOX we understand that the regional Administration should compensate those public employees who have seen their work increase in these months for their higher performance. We consider that it is fair that those who fulfill the usual working day do not receive the same payment as those who do not. And for this reason we propose that a principal reduction be established from the Principality ”.
"It is evident," continues the deputy, "that many public employees are overworked, but there are officials who, on the contrary, have seen their work reduced but who receive their entire remuneration. This situation is unfair for those who have seen an increase in their work in the administration, as well as for all employees of the private company affected by ERTEs (Employment Regulation File) or who have lost their jobs. ” In this sense, Ignacio Blanco recalls that "the Administration has the obligation, and thus the norm establishes, to make the corresponding proportional deduction of assets in those cases in which the day actually carried out by the official does not coincide with the regulatory day of job. They oblige you, counselor, to adopt these measures and it would not be fair to treat the health worker at risk the same as the official who has reduced his workload and who is at home making biscuits, although there are few cases and it is not deal with most employees. That is why we wanted to know and so we have asked the counselor, if the public employees who stay at home and are not performing all their work as they should be on a working day will also see their wages reduced, as it happens, for for example, with workers affected by an ERTE ».
Likewise, the spokesman has referred to the situation “of workers covered by suspension ERTEs who see their perceptions reduced, in accordance with art. 25 of RDL 8/2020 of March 17, which approves the revised text of the General Social Security Law, to 70% of the regulatory base during the first 180 days and 50% from day 181. AND in addition, many of them have not yet received any financial amount ”.

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