The latest economic and labor data that the criminal government leaves us and his disastrous management of the COVID crisis are terrifying for all of Spain. Specifically, in Catalonia, in 2020 alone, more than 138,500 people have lost their jobs, to which we add the more than 200,000 Catalans who are in ERTE. The Labor Force Survey (EPA) for the third quarter of this year reports that at least 506,600 workers are unemployed in the Catalan region, which represents 13.23% of the workforce. Data that do not predict an economic recovery in sight, much less, a situation of well-being, tranquility and freedom for Catalan families.

The Government of the ruin presented the General State Budgets, agreed shamelessly with the enemies of Spanish workers, and allocated 1,175,413.64 million euros to the Autonomous Communities for the management of services and active employment policy programs (employment and training).

For this reason, our Deputies for Barcelona, ​​Ignacio Garriga and Juanjo Aizcorbe, will pose the following question to the Government: what part of all these millions will go to the hands of the Coup Generalitat? Our concern is justified from the moment that the Catalan Autonomous Community is being governed by a separatist caste that uses public money, paid from the taxes of all Catalans and the rest of Spaniards, to feed the separatist project, and not to help tens of thousands of families, freelancers, small hospitality entrepreneurs, aesthetics, gyms, fashion … forced to close down.

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