In defense of Aragonese agriculture and livestock in Congress. The VOX deputy for Zaragoza, Pedro Fernández, is developing an intense parliamentary activity in defense of Aragonese agriculture and livestock in Congress. All this in the midst of the epidemic caused by COVID-19.
An epidemic that has come at the worst possible time for cattle ranchers in Aragon. After overcoming the always complicated winter, with hundreds of heads to feed and no income involved, they have not been able to recover economically with the events of the spring months. And, predictably, also in summer, since bravo farmers live on the sale or rental of their animals, and destining them for the meat market is not economically viable.
Pedro Fernández has asked the Government, the measures he plans to adopt to support the brave livestock sector in Aragon, in the face of the catastrophic effects of the epidemic by COVID-19.
Area affected by civil emergency
The last storms of rain and hail, falling at different points in the provinces of Zaragoza and Teruel, have caused damage to thousands of hectares of the Aragonese countryside. And they have especially affected vine, cereal, olive and almond crops. They have also flooded fields and roads.
As an example, crops in the Campo de Borja region have been affected by a half-meter-high ice cap. And for the heavy rains that followed. Thus, entire crops of vineyard, almond, olive and irrigated cereal have been considered lost. In an area that includes the towns of Ainzón, Fuendejalón, Bureta, Alberite, Albeta, Magallón and Agón.
At the same time, in the province of Teruel, Muniesa's cereal and vineyard farmers also calculate that their losses can reach 90%. And those from the towns of Blesa, Alacón and the Ventorrillo area of Andorra. In this same province, the hail has also caused significant damage to fruit trees and cereal in Albalate del Arzobispo, as well as in other parts of the Sierra de Arcos.
Faced with this situation, Pedro Fernández has addressed the Government. If you plan to declare an affected area, due to a civil protection emergency, the Aragonese provinces of Zaragoza and Teruel. And the adoption of urgent measures to mitigate the damage caused on 9 and 10 May last, by the storms of torrential rain, snow, hail and wind, floods, overflows of rivers and torrents, and hail.