Requirements at the national level
- Decree the State of Alarm throughout the national territory
The government has the support of VOX to decree the State of Alarm throughout Spain with the aim of restricting certain movements of the population and putting at the service of the State the necessary resources to stop the spread of the disease. It is a constitutional mechanism specifically provided for situations like this.
- Border control
It is the first measure that VOX asked for when the first cases appeared in Europe. It is necessary to limit the entry of people into Spain from risk areas and make rigorous sanitary controls such as taking temperature to all who arrive by any means.
The CIVIL GUARD, NATIONAL POLICE and CUSTOMS SURVEILLANCE AGENTS must be immediately provided with sufficient and appropriate individual protection measures. Effective control of state ports and airports. In places like the Balearic Islands, cruises from Italy are still allowed to dock in Spain.
- Centralization of the Health competence
The autonomous system has emerged as an obstacle to the effective management of a health crisis like this as well. We currently have 17 kingdoms of taifa that take contradictory measures that may put the health of the Spanish at risk. Having 17 health systems with their own protocols causes workers who live in one community and work in another to be under two different health protocols.
It is necessary for the nation's government to assume control of healthcare throughout the territory to guarantee the most effective management of this crisis. This includes creating a single phone of attention to possible infected for the entire national territory, instead of the current 17 that, in regions like Madrid, have been completely collapsed for days.
Participation of the Military Health and Military Emergency Unit (UME) in the work of prevention, containment, care and control of the health emergency.
Requirements to the governments of all the Autonomous Communities
The existence of 17 autonomous governments with their own powers is causing contradictory protocols to be activated, recommendations from the central government to be ignored, and even some autonomous governments to be underestimating the seriousness of the situation and the ease of spread of the virus.
Therefore, We demand from all the autonomous governments:
- The immediate closure of all schools, nurseries, universities and complementary educational activities, as has already been done in Madrid, Galicia or Vitoria.
- The ban on gatherings and crowds, in open or closed spaces.
- The suspension or postponement of any fair, a holiday that involves concentrations of people or a cultural celebration in the region.
- The closure of museums, theaters or cultural spaces with high concentration of people.
- The recommendation of the club closing Y any public shows.
- The recommendation of telecommuting to companies and to reduce displacement.
- The port control managed by the Autonomous Communities. In places like the Balearic Islands, cruises from Italy are still allowed to dock in Spain.