Ortega Smith has been present at esRadio, where he has been interviewed by Federico Jiménez Losantos and the other interlocutors at the table. During the intervention, he affirmed that the entire legal movement around the so-called "Procés" began thanks to the action of VOX: first in court number 13 and later with the imposition of two complaints in the TSJC, one before the National High Court and , finally, another one in the TS. He also commented that the State's legal profession did not appear until February 2018.

Asked about a scenario in which there is room for a possible release of prisoners after his sentence, Ortega Smith has stated that the intention of VOX is to raise penalties through the sum of the different crimes that are proven so that an extended stay in prison is guaranteed.

Before a scenario in which a mayoralty of Carmena can be repeated, VOX has said that it would be something that we did not conceive, since from the party we have always been flexible to dialogue and understanding with other groups. Therefore, it is important that in a negotiation in which the support of VOX is required, our party is sitting at the table.

Regarding the pardons, he commented that it is something archaic that has allowed to pardon corrupt people and that can open the door to more future releases.

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