INAEM publishes a Guide of good practices for returning to the stage

Today the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM) of the Ministry of Culture and Sports has released a Good practice guide for the restart of stage and musical activity in Spain, which responds to the demand of the sector to have in a single document a series of measures and recommendations at the state level to initiate artistic activities in the closed spaces of theaters, auditoriums and lyrical venues, as well as street shows.

This initiative aims to provide companies, institutions and professionals in the performing arts and music sector a useful guide to prevention and protection measures, as well as recommendations to be able to work in productions and concerts, complying with current occupational health and safety regulations, as well as with the health regulations established for the new normal.

Driven by INAEM, in the preparation of this Guide they have participated the main associations of companies and professionals of the theater, dance, circus and music at the state level: State Association of Private Live Music Rooms (ACCES), Spanish Association of Symphony Orchestras (AEOS), Federation of Professional Circus Associations of Spain (CIRCORED), Spanish Music Federation (ES-MUSIC), State Federation of Associations of Theater and Dance Companies (FAETEDA), State Federation of Dance Companies and Companies (FECED), Spanish Association of Classical Music Festivals (FESTCLÁSICA), Association of Theaters, Festivals and Stable Seasons of Opera in Spain (ÓPERA XXI ), Associated Street Arts (PATEA), Network of Alternative Theaters, Spanish Network of Theaters, Auditoriums, Circuits and Festivals of public ownership, Union of Professionals and Friends of Circus Arts (UPAAC). The trade union associations Confederation of Artists of the Show (CONARTE) and the Union of Actors and Actresses have also participated.

The Good Practice Guide contains recommendations and is about a living document, undergoing a constant review process, which will incorporate information as health circumstances evolve.

In the preparation of this Guide, the indications of the Ministry of Health and Labor.

In addition to collecting a series of measures of social, hygienic-sanitary or training and information distancing, this guide provides some specific recommendations adapted to each type of performing arts show (theater, dance, circus and street) and music (symphonic and symphonic-choral concerts and lyrical shows). It also includes a series of contractual recommendations for the exhibition of shows in scenic spaces, such as the inclusion of annexes to contracts with the protocols applied by each of the parties or the proper coordination between the different companies that participate in the production of a show.

You can access the guide in pdf at this link.

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