The General Assembly of the Institute of Economic Studies at its annual meeting has renewed its governing bodies and has appointed Iñigo Fernández de Mesa as the new president of the institution. He has also agreed to the appointment of Gregorio Izquierdo as Director General of the IEE.
Íñigo Fernández de Mesa takes over from office José Luis Feito, who held this responsibility since 2009. The Assembly has explicitly recognized the great dedication and brilliant work developed by the outgoing president in these years, naming him Associate of Honor.
Iñigo Fernández de Mesa belongs to the Corps of Commercial Technicians and State Economists and has held various responsibilities in the institutional field. He was Secretary of State for Economy and Business and Secretary General of the Treasury and Financial Policy. In addition, he has been a director of the Bank of Spain and the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), vice president of the FROB president of the Sepblac (Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering) and Executive Director for Spain of the World Bank.
In the private sphere, the chairman of the Economic and Financial Policy Committee of the CEOE and the Board of Directors of Rothschild & Co España, Scottish Power's board member and member of the Altamar International Advisory Board.
Gregorio Izquierdo holds a PhD in Economics and is a Full Professor of Applied Economics at UNED. He has been president of the National Institute of Statistics between 2011 and 2018, representative of Spain in the Committee of the European Statistical System of Eurostat and in the Statistical Commission of the United Nations.
In addition, he has been director of the Electoral Census Office, member of the Central Electoral Board, member of the Board of the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) and member of the State Council of SMEs. In the field of research, he was Director of Studies of the IEE between 1996 and 2011, participating in the obtaining of the collective prize of Infanta Cristina Economy to research centers in the year 2000. That same year, he was awarded by the San Pablo University Foundation CEU with the Ángel Herrera Award for Social Sciences. Since February 2019 he is the CEO of the CEOE Economy.