The Secretary of State for Equality, Soledad Murillo, the president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, and the general director of ESADE Madrid, Mario Lara, participated in the closing ceremony of the VI Edition of the Promociona Project, held today at the headquarters of CEOE.
The PROMOCIONA project, launched in 2013 by the Women's Institute and the CEOE, aims to increase the presence of women in positions of high responsibility by identifying and promoting female talent; with a complete program to strengthen the professional and leadership skills of women, in addition to sensitizing companies. The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and this month has just begun its seventh edition.
In the sixth edition, 175 professionals participated, and of the previous five they have already promoted 45% of the participating directives.
The 58% of the people who graduate every year in the universities are women, but this reality is not projected in the labor market, nor in the business schools, and women continue to access to a much lesser extent than men of greater responsibility. That is why it is important to promote projects like this one, that create synergies and joint collaborations with companies, organizations and public institutions.
In this context, during her speech, the Secretary of State for Equality has highlighted the importance of achieving a balanced participation of women and men in positions of maximum responsibility, especially in the economic sphere. He also pointed out the responsibility of the participating directives to contribute, from their positions, to transforming work structures and environments into more just and egalitarian ones and to exercise new styles of leadership that are more inclusive and collaborative. Appealing also to the responsibility of companies to identify, promote and retain the best available talent, which is also female.
For his part, Garamendi stressed that "equality of opportunities is a clear requirement of competitiveness that we have set out to promote at CEOE, favoring diversity and the incorporation of women in the company, especially in the positions of Senior Management and Boards of Administration where their participation decreases in relation to other levels of representation ". And it has celebrated the good results obtained with Promociona: 833 participants from 450 companies including the seventh edition.
For the optimal development of the program, a preliminary work is done with the companies that choose and support their candidates, Promising to promote them once the training is finished. Likewise, they commit themselves to being responsible for the highest level of their company (presidency, CEO, etc.) as mentors for a participant of another company.
Mario Lara thanked CEOE and the Women's Institute for the confidence deposited in ESADE for the training development of the directives and wished the fulfillment of all its objectives, and finally, Maria José Rodríguez, Director of Contents and Own Programs of Movistar + , has spoken on behalf of all the participants of the closing edition with emotional words of thanks.
The VII Edition of the Promociona Project has been inaugurated
The first group of participants has welcomed the project director, Gabriela Uriarte, the deputy director general of the Begoña Suarez Women's Institute, the CEOE Training Director, Juan Carlos Tejeda, the ESADE Director in Madrid, Mario Lara and Academic Director of the Program at ESADE, Patricia Cauqui.
The initiative aims at a greater representation of women in senior management positions and consists in the identification and promotion of female talent, through the development and strengthening of women's skills, professional and leadership skills, as well as the awareness of women Business.
The project is aimed at companies, which propose directives and support them by committing themselves to actively follow their promotion and also make the Program available tol senior management personnel to participate in cross-mentoring processes.
This year, 530 applications have been submitted and 221 directives from 170 companies will participate divided into five different groups in this VII Edition. To date, 833 directives from more than 450 companies have participated and of the first five editions finalized, 45% have already been promoted.
CEOE together with ESADE co-finance 30 scholarships in this 7th edition, some of which have been awarded to companies of the "More women, better companies" Initiative of the Equality Secretariat, thanks to the collaboration of the Instituto de la Woman.