Institutional appearance of the Government Delegate Against Gender Violence, Victoria Rosell

The Ministry of Equality condemns the last murder for gender violence confirmed this weekend. The victim has been a 38-year-old woman in the province of Granada with a minor daughter. With this confirmation the number of women killed by gender violence so far this year amounts to nine, totaling 1,042 since 2003.

In addition to this murder, data from another alleged murder by gender violence of a 49-year-old woman in the province of Lugo is being collected from the Government Delegation.

The Minister of Equality, Irene Montero and the Government delegate against Gender Violence, Victoria Rosell, have expressed their most absolute condemnation and rejection of the macho murder in Granada and the possible murder in Lugo. The minister and the delegate have shown their full support to the families and friends of the victims.

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