The acting Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Isabel Celaá, and the Minister of Science, Innovation and Acting Universities, Pedro Duque, have inaugurated in Valencia this activity of promoting scientific vocations.

The Summer Science Camps, organized jointly by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), a public foundation under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, are aimed at young people in 4th ESO and 1st year of Bachillerato in Spain and its objective is to reinforce the taste for science and encourage scientific vocations.

During their stay, the young people will know first hand the scientific method, the work techniques as well as the obtaining and analysis of data. After finishing their participation, they will make a public presentation of the results obtained before the rest of classmates and teachers. With this experience, it is sought that the direct contact with the professional reality of the researchers will favor, in the future, an increase of students in science and engineering careers.

In total, 1,552 students (67.65% girls and 32.35% boys) will participate in 52 research projects, designed by university professors in collaboration with Secondary Education teachers in 13 universities with distinction of Campus of International or Regional Excellence. The Campus will be extended until July 27 in four seven-day shifts.

The program also includes visits to museums and technology centers, meetings with scientists, disseminators or politicians, film forums, conferences, as well as other leisure-cultural and sports activities.

Campus of excellence participants throughout Spain:

Ad Futurum (Oviedo University)

Agroalimentario CEIA3 (Jaen University)

Andalucía TECH (Malaga University)

Atlantic Tricontinental (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

BioTic (University of Granada)

CYTEMA (Castilla-La Mancha university)

Do Mar (UniversidadVigo)

Hydrant (University of Extremadura)

Mare Nostrum (University of Murcia)

Triangular – E3 (University of Leon)

UAM + CSIC (Autonomous University of Madrid)

Lifetime (University of Santiago de Compostela)

VLC (University of Valencia and Polytechnic University of Valencia).

Summer Science Campus in Valencia

The scientific campuses of Valencia will be held at the University of Valencia and the Polytechnic University of Valencia. During the month of July, 119 students will participate in one of the four projects organized by the universities. One third of these students (31.09%) come from the Valencian Community itself, 23.53% from Andalusia and 10.08% from the Community of Madrid, among others.

The Valencian Community is the second community, after Andalusia, in which more applications have been received to participate in the Scientific Campus.

The projects are: "Cryptography: how to use mathematics to understand us","Chemistry: an inexhaustible source of solutions for health and well-being","Technology and Medical Physics, innovation at the service of Medicine" Y "A fantastic journey with your feet in physics"

10 years of Summer Science Campus

The Ministry of Education and FP and FECYT have been jointly organizing the Summer Scientific Campus since 2010. At the end of this edition, a total of 14,915 students (63.79% girls and 36.20% boys) will have participated in 593 projects of 31 universities.

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