
  • Stresses that the PP is committed to facilitate the work of entrepreneurs, lowering taxes, facilitating industrial land and encouraging the hiring and registration of new self-employed
  • Remember that the industry generates quality jobs, development of R & D & I and population settlement, a fundamental issue in provinces such as Ávila
  • He warns that "the division of the center-right vote only favors the possibility of a Sánchez government supported by populist parties with an economic policy that has not generated wealth anywhere where it has been carried out"
  • Calls to group support around the PP of those who bet on lowering taxes, promoting job creation and economic growth
  • Criticize the measure of the government team of the City of Ávila to raise the IBI and remember that the PP has in its program the lowering of this tax
  • He affirms that Brussels has told Sánchez “that their accounts are not created” and that in the face of the massive tax increase raised by the PSOE, the PP proposes a fiscal revolution that will lead to a tax reduction of 16 billion euros
  • Criticizes that the PSOE has paralyzed the extension of broadband in the villages and recalls that the PP is committed to rural Spain and to provide municipalities with the necessary technological infrastructure to join the digitalization
  • "With a seat more than the PSOE, we will unlock Spain unlike Sánchez, who has not been able to agree with anyone"

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