El vicesecretario de Participación, Jaime de Olano

Urges to compare the statements of the former president, Felipe González, with those of the socialist spokesperson, today reproaching the president of the CGPJ, to understand the "drift of this PSOE"

  • He warns that "there are no two governments." "The Government of Spain is one and it is Pedro Sánchez who has to ensure that the Executive does not attack the institutions," he underlines
  • He describes as "very serious" that the Government has prevented the King from traveling to Barcelona and questions the role of Minister of the Interior if he is not able to guarantee the security of the Head of State
  • He criticizes that Iglesias' priority is to end the Monarchy instead of worrying about people who do not receive IMV, for the elderly, or for pensioners who are not receiving their pension once it has been recognized.
  • "This he does with the complicity of Sánchez, who does not oblige him to rectify," he says.
  • He reproaches the Government for its "inability to convey uncertainty and confidence" at such a difficult time for the economy
  • Affirms that the Plan Anti-squatting that the PP has proposed shows that "we are on the side of the Spanish and we are concerned about the real problems of the people"
  • Explain that the squatting generates two victims: the owners, who have paid for their homes with their effort, and the neighbors of squatted houses, since this phenomenon leads to crime and alterations in coexistence
  • He assures that "it is not acceptable" that the Government does not guarantee the right of the owners to enjoy their property and denounces that some administrations governed by the left irresponsibly encourage squatting
  • It highlights that the PP proposes to expel the illegal occupants within 12 hours and recover the crime of illegal usurpation, which the Zapatero government repealed, establishing penalties of 1 to 3 years for the squatters and the mafias
  • It adds that the PP proposes that the communities of owners be empowered to take legal action and that the access of the most vulnerable to the public housing stock be guaranteed

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