He asserts that VOX has in Seville a team well prepared to defend the interests of the party in the province, represent the affiliates and build the foundations for a future in which we “aspire to everything”

Seville, March 6, 2020. The president of the Management Committee of VOX Sevilla, Javier Cortés, said Thursday that "the party will continue working with the same intensity as until now and responding to the concerns of the neighbors of the province."

After presiding over the first meeting of the manager, Cortés said that “We have a huge responsibility as the main opposition party in the province of Seville and that is our main objective, to exercise that work and that all Sevillians know that we are the alternative to socialist hegemony which has prevailed throughout the democratic period in Seville ”.

Under that premise, the president of the VOX Sevilla manager has stressed that “We have a party in Seville that is very much alive, with its clean and audited accounts, with affiliates and very committed supporters who do a magnificent job in the municipalities of the province, which explains the result of the last general elections. That and no other is our great strength, which is summed up in a set of principles and values ​​that we defend, clarity of ideas, dynamism and a good dose of courage ”.

“VOX is not characterized precisely by looking at the past and that is the key to everything. We have numerous challenges to face in a very complicated period for national, regional and local politics, and nothing can deviate us from how really important it is to continue working for a better Spain from our position in the Congress, in the regional parliaments and in the Town Halls where we are represented ”.

Javier Cortes has valued “very positively this first meeting of the manager of VOX Sevilla, a cohesive party and where we have a team of men and women extraordinarily prepared for defend the interests of the party in the province, represent our affiliates and build the foundations of the future where VOX aspires to everything ”, it is finished.

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