This new body will represent young scientists, preferably from the field of experimental sciences. The researchers who carry out their work abroad can also be academics.
Today the Young Academy of Spain (AJE) has been constituted in the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. This new scientific institution will represent and give visibility to young scientists, preferably from the field of experimental sciences.
After the constitution, Javier García Martínez was elected president, Juan Antonio Gabaldón Estevan vice president and Javier Martínez Moguerza secretary. The founding members, in addition to the three mentioned, are the vowels Maite Martínez Aldaya, Jesús Martínez de la Fuente, Ignacio Palomo Ruiz and Pedro Martínez Santos.
Almost all of them belonged to the Global Young Academy and, in October 2014, they formed a management commission to promote the creation of the Young Academy of Spain, which today has been constituted. Researchers who are members of the Young Academy of Spain will be for five years to, in this way, admit scientists of successive generations and ensure the youth of their academics. The profile of the members of this academy will be coincident with the average of 40 years of age and of 12 years from the attainment of the title of doctor, since young scientist is understood as one who has reached maturity and who is at the beginning of his independent research career.
The academy will act as a link with young scientists who carry out their work abroad, since part of its members may be young nationals who investigate outside of our country.
First declaration of the Academy
The academic Javier García Martínez has expressed, on behalf of his colleagues, his "thanks to the support of the current Administration for creating this Young Academy" and wanted to "record the love, resources and urgency that the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities has put in this task. " Finally, he recalled the figure of Ramón y Cajal and the silver years of Spanish science, expressing the commitment of the Young Academy of Spain to carry out its scientific task "with the same enthusiasm and dedication with which those who preceded us worked" .
Objectives of the AJE
The aims of the Young Academy of Spain, for which it will have the help of the State, are the following:
- Give visibility and represent young scientists, participate in the development of scientific policies and position themselves, issuing opinions and reports, on issues of national and international importance related to science.
- Promote science as a professional option among youth by promoting exceptional young people from any country, and particularly from Spain, as role models; propose policies aimed at eliminating obstacles in the participation of women, persons with disabilities and ethnic minorities in the different branches of knowledge; and promote intergenerational cooperation with the Royal Academies of the Institute of Spain.
- Promote scientific training through the promotion of knowledge, research and innovation as engines of economic development, and support exchanges between young researchers from different institutions, both national and international.
- Encourage the development of new approaches in order to solve problems of national and international importance.
The Young Academy of Spain will have an emblem, which will appear in all official communications and writings, and which will include distinctive elements with the label "Academia Joven de España", and a badge or medal that will be used by the Number Academics.
Finally, the Young Academy of Spain will be constituted by fifty Academics of Number, with the degree of Doctor or equivalent title, by Corresponding Academicians -ex-members- and Academics of Honor.
The current academies have the wisdom and cultural depth that gives them their baggage and their history. As a complement to these academies, a generational approach and a reciprocal interconnection between experienced scientists and young researchers that will modulate the cultural future of the countries are needed.
This has been the reason why scientists of proven experience had the initiative to create in Berlin, in 2010, the Young Global Academy, which aims to be the voice of the young scientists of the world, encouraging their collaboration to address issues of importance at the international level. worldwide focused on science, education and research. It brings together 200 young and relevant scientists, with an average of 35 years of age, from 58 countries. This initiative was followed by the creation of the Youth Academy of Europe, in 2012. At present, there are already forty Young National Academies established in the world.
Founding scholars
Maite Martínez Aldaya, (Pamplona, 1978), is a Master in Environmental Policy and Regulation from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a researcher at the Institute for Innovation and Sustainability in the Agri-Food Chain (IS-FOOD) of the Public University of Navarra (UPNA).
Juan Antonio Gabaldón Estevan, (Valencia, 1973), is a researcher at the Institut de Recerca en Biomedicina (IRB) of Barcelona and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center-National Supercomputing Center (BSC). He has directed twelve doctoral theses.
Javier García Martínez, (Logroño, 1973), is director of the Laboratory of Molecular Nanotechnology of the University of Alicante and professor of Inorganic Chemistry of the University of Alicante. Co-founder and scientific director of Rive Technology and Rey Jaime I Award for New Technologies 2014.
Jesus Martinez de la Fuente, (Barakaldo, 1975), is a research professor at the CSIC and principal investigator of the Biofunctionalization of Nanoparticles and Surfaces group at the Institute of Materials Science of Aragón (Higher Council for Scientific Research-University of Zaragoza). Inventor of 6 licensed patents. Ignacio Palomo Ruiz, (Madrid, 1980), is a postdoctoral researcher at the Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3) and a Master's Degree in Ecology from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Member of the World Commission of Protected Areas of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) of the United Nations since 2017.
Pedro Martínez Santos, (Madrid, 1978), is a full professor at the Faculty of Geological Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid. He has a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of New South Wales, Australia, and a Master's Degree in Technology Management from that University and he is the Chair of the UNESCO / UNITWIN Chair "Appropriate Technologies for Human Development". First award of scientific dissemination of the UCM 2016.
Javier Martínez Moguerza, (Granada, 1972), is Professor of Statistics of the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid and Director of the Institutional Chair "Ericsson on Data Science Applied to 5G" of the aforementioned University. He has directed eleven doctoral theses.