Headlines of the interview

 Expects the negotiations to have the same end as in Andalusia, where a majority of voters wanted to end 40 years of "democratic socialist regime". "If the PP could make the change possible in Andalusia, why can not it be done now in 4 autonomies and in more than twenty cities?" He asked.
 Recommends to politicians that Hara-Kiri not be made when the consequence is to make the Hara-Kiri to its voters and to a social majority of our country.

 Warns that the vast majority of voters of the PP, Cs or Vox would not understand that the absence of an agreement between these parties gave four years of government to Manuela Carmena. "The PP," he said, "is going to do everything in its power to allow a center-right government to be formed in a comfortable way in Madrid, Aragón, Castilla y León, Murcia …"
 Remember that, after proposing in Congress three times the reform of the electoral law to govern the most voted list and be rejected, the PP already warned that "play with the rules of the game of others." "What the PP can not do is only govern if it wins the elections and when other parties seek understandings and agreements, cede governments. You have to have the same rules for everyone, "he adds.
 He adds that the rules of the game – the electoral law – can not be changed using an absolute majority or "by a whim": the amendment must be agreed as the Constitution was
 It highlights the strength of the Popular Party in the Basque Country and ensures that "there is a game and a match" for formation in this community. In the Basque Country there is no Citizens or Vox, but there are many PP councilors.

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