Senator José Manuel Marín today reminded the Socialist senators that the largest social cut in the history of Democracy "was carried out by the Socialist Party, with Mr. Zapatero as Prime Minister, when in 2011 it froze pensions and lowered public salaries by 5%."

Marín has affirmed that, currently, Spain is in a scenario of increased spending to face the health, social and economic crisis due to the impact of COVID-19 and that, in May, “VOX predicted that if the Government did not made decisions to cut unnecessary political spending, they would end up having to do three things: raise taxes, freeze or reduce the salary of civil servants, and freeze or reduce pensions.

Marín has asked the socialist caucus if they are going to reduce public salaries, or are they going to cut spending to cut politicians and not Spaniards, and explained that, for VOX, “it is necessary that both pensions and salaries of civil servants are untouchable, since these two population groups are the most affected in any economic crisis.

"With this social-communist government there has been the greatest increase in political spending, since it is the largest government and spending on senior positions and advisers has increased by 46% in 2019 compared to 2018," as Marín said, filing an addition amendment.

Finally, Marín recalled that at VOX "we will always support pensioners and public officials by preventing a reduction in their rights and benefits."

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