The president and deputy spokesperson of the Parliamentary Group VOX Valencian Community, Jose Maria Llanos, has ensured that Ximo Puig's budgets "they are foolish and impossible, since there is no money and he does not even know where he is going to get it”. For José María Llanos “the only valid proposal would be to eliminate superfluous and ideological spending, unnecessary items and slim down the Administration without increasing spending”.

“Ximo Puig likes surprises, even his partners Podemos and Compromís, or Citizens who had offered to negotiate them, have been quite surprised. Are some insane and impossible budgets. You cannot increase public spending by 10% when there is no money, he doesn't even know where he's going to get it from”.

José María Llanos recalled that the Government of Pedro Sánchez already hit Ximo Puig with the door in his face with the under-financing, with the horizontal leveling and with the asymmetric deficit. "The only way to propose credible and sensible budgets It is not to increase the expenditure that Valencians will pay by 2,000 million because there is no certainty that the money will come, not even from Europe, and if it arrives it will be at the end of 2021, and we will see how much”.

The president and deputy spokesman has advocated to reduce unnecessary items, which are only maintained for ideological reasons, and dedicate all efforts to Health, Education and social policies, but not with an increase in spending, but slimming Administration.

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