El Puerto de Santa María, December 1, 2020 – The Municipal Group of VOX El Puerto, given the current state of alarm that is hitting the weakest economic sectors again, considers that it is the City Council which must provide assistance to taxpayers in something as necessary as masks, mandatory since May 21.

As if that were not enough, thousands of Spaniards still do not charge ERTES and the Minimum Vital Income is authorized in a questionable way. This makes the burden of purchasing mandatory products, recently regulated, represents an intolerable strain for many families.

According to the municipal spokesperson of VOX El Puerto, Juan Carlos Sanz, “no mother should choose between buying milk or masks, and no grandparent should choose between heating the home or buying masks. "

For this reason, the Municipal Group of VOX El Puerto will present a motion to the December ordinary plenary session requesting the free supply of masks for all Porto citizens over six years of age.

For VOX, the situation is critical and requires an immediate and forceful response, so the Junta de Andalucía will also be required to provide the corresponding item in the budgets for financing of said masks.

Finally, Sanz points out, “we will also urge the Government of Spain to partial financing of masks once the alarm state ends and when its use is declared as recommendable ”.

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