After meeting this past Monday with the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, three of the main professional associations of the Armed Forces have regretted that their complaints regarding prevention, security measures or the reconciliation of the military have not been addressed during the current crisis caused by the Covid-19. One question, the latter, for which the national representative of Vox for Ceuta, Teresa López, has directly questioned the Government of Sánchez requesting a written response on the order not to allow the military to move to the family home when it is not the habitual residence .
López asks the Executive if he believes the decision that the military cannot go to their homes on rest days when they do not reside in the municipality of destination is correct. The national deputy of Vox for Ceuta reminds the Government of the PSOE and Unidas Podemos that due to the high mobility of the military, many have their family in a different town than the destination and come to visit her on weekends or when they are away. Excuse me. However, "due to the new order issued during the State of Alarm, the military will not be able to travel to their family home on weekends due to complaints by the Civil Guard to soldiers intercepted on the road on rest days," criticizes López. .
Given this situation, López wants the government to rule on whether he believes the decision to be correct when "thousands of soldiers are working shifts of several continuous days, without established hours, during the State of Alarm." It also asks for clarification of what “objective criteria” has been followed to “issue this new order” and, finally, asks when the Executive is planning to “suppress this order to allow the military to move again to see their families in his days off. "